Synopsis (from Amazon):

In an era defined by neon lights, cassette tapes, and the birth of grunge, the music scene of the 80’s was more than just a trend-it was a revolution. This book whisks readers away to a time when music pulsed through the streets, clubs echoed with electric rhythms, and every song told a story. Journey across the State of Texas under the spell of groundbreaking artists and their iconic hits.

Meet passionate fans, ambitious musicians, and unforgettable groupies, all brought together by a shared love for rock ‘n’ roll. Experience the highs of sold-out concerts, the lows of band breakups, and the exhilaration of that first chord. As you delve deeper, discover how music was not only a form of entertainment but a way of life, a rebellion, a movement that shaped a generation.

Blending vivid storytelling with nostalgic anecdotes, this book is more than a mere recollection-it’s a tribute to a time when melodies held memories, lyrics voiced dreams, and every beat was a heartbeat of an era. Whether you’re a seasoned rocker or a new-age music enthusiast, embark on a journey that will reignite your passion for music and remind you of its timeless power to connect and inspire.

Author bio:

Linda Chadwick is a lifelong resident of Texas, married thirty plus years, has two grown children, and is a mom to her dog and cat fur babies.  She has always had an intense love of writing and has dreamed of being a published author since she was six years old.  She has always loved every facet of music.  She is an avid collector of antiques and once owned her own antique shop.  Her husband Doug is recently retired and they are embarking on their next adventure, moving to Costa Rica.  Don’t worry, she states she has many ideas lined up for more books. 


Author Marketing Experts:

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Check out this awesome Q&A with the author, there is lots of fun questions thrown in as well.

How did you do research for your book? 

By living it! Basically I had always been very good about keeping journals, and writing myself little notations in which I kept in a big box. When I became ready to write the book I posted a timeline on a bulletin board and began putting it all together.

Which was the hardest character to write? The easiest?

The characters were all real people. The hardest one to write about was my best friend Lenise, because she has passed away and I miss her very much. The easiest was of course my lifelong best friend Debbie. We’ve been friends for well over 40 + years

What was your inspiration for writing On the Road?

The book is basically a memoir about my adventurous life as a young woman. I knew eventually I would write a book about being a groupie because I knew so many people would be interested in reading about people they looked up too and admired.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?

Again, the inspiration came by living it! It was something that not a lot of people can experience, but I was the lucky one.

There are many books out there about rock music. What makes yours different?

Yes, there is. I feel my book is different simply because of the time frame it was in. The 80’s were a very exciting and vibrant time for Rock and Roll and Metal.

What advice would you give budding writers?

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! If you have something to say, there will be people out there that want to hear it

Your book is set in Texas. Have you ever been there

The book basically was situated in the Dallas/Arlington/Fort Worth Texas area. I was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas.

If you could put yourself as a character in your book, who would you be

Myself, it’s a memoir

Do you have another profession besides writing? 

I’ve been many things in my life. Antique dealer, Paranormal Investigator, Booking/Management for musicians. But by far the thing I am most proud of is being a wife to my wonderful husband and a mother to my two beautiful kids.

How long have you been writing? 

I have literally been writing my whole life. I dreamed of being an author at six years old. When I was little I would climb up in an old mulberry tree in my backyard, sitting in a little nook writing poetry, stories and all sorts of things all day long.

Do you ever get writer’s block? What helps you overcome it? 

Writer’s block for me would be the cobwebs in my brain. I am 60 years old, and sometimes recalling all those memories from so long ago can be perplexing at times. But thank goodness I was good at keeping so many notes.

What is your next project

Well, I would sort of like to write a book about what happens when you stop being a groupie and grow up. I would like to write about my marriage and children, which creates a lot of comical stories.

What genre do you write and why?

Interesting question. This might sound strange but I really don’t consider myself a writer, but more a storyteller. Ever since I was a child, I listened to all the elders and I remembered everything. I’m the keeper of the stories.

What is the last great book you’ve read?

I had it in my library for awhile, but Patti Smith’s memoir about her life with Robert M. She has always been an interesting person to me, and the book is very moving.

What is a favorite compliment you have received on your writing?

I received a poetry award when I was a teenager from a prestigious Poetry Society. That was a big deal to me. But getting my book published, and actually having people purchase it…WOW!

How are you similar to or different from your lead character? 

Well the main character is me, but I am a world different from who I was back in the 80s. Number one, I’m an old lady now. Number two, I’ve been happily married for 30 + years. Number three, I could NOT keep up with who I was back then. Haha!


If your book were made into a movie, who would star in the leading roles

Haha! I’ve actually dreamed about this! What a dream come true that would be! I think Elle Fanning would have to star as me, because even though she has that innocent and sweet look about her there could be some wild peaking out.

If your book were made into a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack? 

It would have to be 80s Rock and Roll and Metal of that time, for sure. It was magical!

What were the biggest rewards and challenges with writing your book? 

Accomplishment of getting something done that has been just sitting there waiting.

In one sentence, what was the road to publishing like?

My publishers are the BOMB! I was a complete and nervous wreck through the whole process, of course. Palmetto Publishing nursed me through the whole process, soothing and calming me. I couldn’t have chosen a better publishing company, and I’ll love them forever.

What is one piece of advice you would give to an aspiring author? 

Just do it! If you have something to say, say it!

Which authors inspired you to write?

Oh my goodness, there would be too many for me to list.

What is something you had to cut from your book that you wish you could have kept? 

I actually am the one that made the cut. I think I might have sold a lot more copies if I had kept in the smut, the sex. I made the decision to leave the story dangling and let the readers’ minds fill in what they think probably happened simply to be respectful not only to my husband but the musicians in which I had relations with. We are all older, married and have different lives.

On rituals:

Do you snack while writing? Favorite snack? 


Where do you write? 

Usually sitting on my couch, with my notebooks and computer surrounding me

Do you write every day

I write something every day, journals etc. I find it very cathartic.

What is your writing schedule?

I don’t really have a schedule. With my family, life, etc. I write when I can fit it in. I don’t take a minute for granted.

Is there a specific ritualistic thing you do during your writing time? 

I like to write on notebook paper first, in very small writing. Don’t ask me why, it just seems to work for me. I will proofread it by writing it normally, then finally type it into the computer.

In today’s tech savvy world, most writers use a computer or laptop. Have you ever written parts of your book on paper

Always!!! It’s like a guitarist learning first on an acoustic then moving on to an electric.

If you’re a mom writer, how do you balance your time? 

My husband and kids always came first. I always kept up with my journals but the actual writing of my book didn’t start until the kids were grown and we were retired.

Fun stuff:

If you could go back in time, where would you go? 

Oh man, I am perfectly happy right where I am. I got it all right the first time around.

Favorite travel spot?

I’m living there baby!!! Costa Rica!!! Pura Vida!!!

Favorite dessert

Chocolate pudding.

If you were stuck on a deserted island, which three books would you want with you? 

The Bible, The Dictionary, and an Atlas.


What’s the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?

Pick up and move to Costa Rica to live.

Any hobbies? or Name a quirky thing you like to do. 

I like art! I paint, draw. I craft a lot. I guess the quirky thing I like to do is DOT painting. Look it up, it’s cool.

If there is one thing you want readers to remember about you, what would it be?

I’m a good person. I’m a survivor!!!

What is something you’ve learned about yourself during the pandemic? 

I could say something really profound here, but really…wearing a damn mask everywhere you go.

Which TV series are you currently binge watching? 

I don’t watch TV.

What is your theme song?

“Crazy Diamond”

What is your favorite thing to do in the spring? 

Swim in the ocean!

What is a favorite holiday tradition (or memory)? 

Halloween is my favorite. Christmas traditions, getting a new ornament to add to the tree every year.

What song is currently playing on a loop in your head?

“Can you Deliver” by Armored Saint

What is something that made you laugh recently?

My husband always makes me laugh, but recently he waters the yard (jungle) with a water hose and we live in the rainforest. DUH!


What is your go-to breakfast item?

Please don’t laugh! Pop Tarts!

What is the oldest item of clothing you own?

I still have clothing from when I was a baby, in keepsakes.

Tell us about your longest friendship

Debbie. 40+ years. No matter where or how far we are from each other we always know we can still turn to each other if needed.

What is the strangest way you’ve become friends with someone? 

Our first taxi driver in Costa Rica, named Carlos. Nicest person you could ever meet. We’ve become fast friends.

Who was your childhood celebrity crush?

I wasn’t into celebrities. I was into musicians, and that’s easy. Donny Osmond. I still flutter when I think of him. I’d probably pass out if I met him. Haha!  

Make sure you check out this awesome book and thank you to Author Marketing Experts for having me along on this blog tour.

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I’m Dana,

I am a full time Mama and wife, and a part time reader and book reviewer. I love all books, I love reading books, I love hording books, I love gifting books and I love reviewing books. I don’t know if there’s too many books I wouldn’t read, I would at least give it a fair chance. If I didn’t like it, I would still give it a shout out, after all someone worked really hard on that thing.

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