Beyond Stonebridge


Ghost Story Romance

Date Published: 04-22-2024

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press



In this sequel to Stonebridge, it is 1959, and Rynna Wyatt’s abusive
husband Jason has fallen to his death after a fight with his bookish,
disabled cousin Ted Demeray. The police would like to know exactly what
happened, but Ted and Rynna can’t tell the whole truth. Jason’s death
doesn’t end his relationship with them either. Rynna is pregnant with his
child and traumatized by his abuse. She and Ted leave Stonebridge Manor to
start a new life in Brenford, where Ted teaches geology at the university,
but Jason’s restless spirit follows them and continues to haunt Rynna’s
dreams. He wants her back. He wants revenge. And he wants his son. Can Ted
and Rynna find a way to oppose his claims and finally put him to rest?


Check out this Author interview… (these are my favorite)

Tell us about your current release
. Beyond Stonebridge is a ghost story romance set in 1959-1961. It’s a sequel to Stonebridge, and although it can also be read as a stand-alone, it will appeal most to those who’ve read the first book. In Stonebridge, the ghost of the murdered Rosalind made her presence felt at Stonebridge Manor, and in the sequel her abusive son Jason’s spirit follows Ted and Rynna as they try to start a new life in nearby Brenford.

2. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?  Soon after I learned to read it occurred to me that someone had to create those words. From that moment I knew I wanted to be a “book maker” when I grew up. I wrote my first story, “Judy and the Fairies,” when I was six.

3. Have you published any previous books? Beyond Stonebridge is my ninth book from The Wild Rose Press. I considered myself a romantic suspense writer because bodies kept turning up in my romances, but I’ve written some that don’t fit that genre at all.

4. What can we expect to see from you in the future, any books on the backburner? I have several beginnings that may or may not blossom into books eventually, but at the moment I’m preoccupied with having some backlist titles produced as audio books.  

5. What do you like to do when you’re not writing? I love to read, of course, and also enjoy travel, Scrabble, movies, and visiting galleries and museums. I’ve been to three countries and forty-eight states so far.

6. Did you learn anything from writing your book? What was it? The research I did on the history of childbirth was fascinating. We forget how recently women were put to sleep or tied down and men relegated to the waiting room.

7. Some writers have something playing in the background, do you and what? I usually have the radio playing on a 70s music station, or I write in front of the TV, paying very little attention to it but sometimes mining the credits for names. Total silence unnerves me.

8. Tell us a little about yourself. Perhaps something not many people know about? Even though I wrote a book about a man who loves to cook (Love, Death, and the Art of Cooking) that made a lot of readers assume I had great culinary skills, I’m only good at washing dishes, which I enjoy if someone reads to me while I do it.

9. What do you hope your writing brings to your readers? I just hope they enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

About the Author

I knew I wanted to be a “book maker” as soon as I learned to
read, and I wrote my first story, “Judy and the Fairies,” at the
age of six. My passion for the printed word also led me to a career with the
San Diego Public Library. I retired to spend more time on my writing and
have had stories of every length from short shorts to novellas published in
numerous literary journals. Beyond Stonebridge is my ninth book from the
Wild Rose Press. In addition to the three R’s–reading, writing, and
research–I enjoy travel, movies, Scrabble, and visiting museums and art

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One response to “Beyond Stonebridge”

  1. Rita Wray Avatar
    Rita Wray

    Sounds like a book I will enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

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I’m Dana,

I am a full time Mama and wife, and a part time reader and book reviewer. I love all books, I love reading books, I love hording books, I love gifting books and I love reviewing books. I don’t know if there’s too many books I wouldn’t read, I would at least give it a fair chance. If I didn’t like it, I would still give it a shout out, after all someone worked really hard on that thing.

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